You Won’t Believe How Olive Fruit Water known As OliPhenolia Can Supercharge Your Cardio Fitness Potential!

OliPhenolia! Welcome! Today, we have an exciting study to share with you, exploring the unmatched benefits of a unique natural product for active individuals. Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery that will revolutionize your fitness routine!

But first, let’s introduce this groundbreaking research conducted by the esteemed nutrition researchers at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU). They have unraveled the hidden potential of a remarkable product: olive fruit water.

Olive fruit water, a by-product of olive oil production, has caught the attention of scientists worldwide. Its rich content of polyphenols, renowned for their powerful antioxidant properties, is truly remarkable.

This fantastic product now comes as a commercially available supplement known as OliPhenolia. Packed with several phenolic compounds, most significantly hydroxytyrosol, OliPhenolia is set to revolutionize the fitness world!

Now, let’s dive into the details of the groundbreaking study led by the renowned Dr. Justin Roberts, Associate Professor in Health & Exercise Nutrition at ARU.

Dr. Roberts and his team conducted this pioneering study with 29 recreationally active participants. They were randomly assigned to either consume OliPhenolia or a placebo, carefully matched in taste and appearance, over a period of 16 consecutive days.

The results? They were nothing short of extraordinary!

Individuals who consumed OliPhenolia experienced significant positive effects on critical markers of running performance.

But that’s not all! This unique supplement also demonstrated its potential to improve respiratory parameters at the onset of exercise, enhance oxygen consumption and running economy at lower intensity levels, and reduce perceived exertion during higher-intensity exercise.

Just imagine feeling like your body is working less hard while achieving your fitness goals! Participants also reported better acute recovery following incremental exercise.

The implications of these findings are fascinating for those involved in regular aerobic exercise training. OliPhenolia could be the missing piece in your fitness puzzle, with its potential to enhance your performance and recovery.

What’s even more remarkable? OliPhenolia is derived from a sustainable source – a waste product of olive oil production. Harnessing the health benefits of olives without adding strain on the environment makes it a truly eco-friendly alternative.

Dr. Roberts and his team are not stopping here. They are dedicated to further exploring the endless possibilities presented by OliPhenolia.

Their next steps involve conducting more studies to validate and expand upon these exciting initial findings. They’re particularly interested in exploring the potential of OliPhenolia in marathon training and recovery.

Can this natural supplement help athletes prepare and bounce back more effectively after intense races? It’s an intriguing question they’re eager to answer!

Additionally, they’re investigating OliPhenolia’s effectiveness in suppressing exercise-related inflammation. Imagine a world with reduced exercise-related soreness and faster recovery!

The possibilities presented by this study are truly fascinating. A sustainable dietary supplement derived from olive fruit water has the potential to enhance exercise performance and recovery, benefiting fitness enthusiasts and athletes alike.

We hope this glimpse into the groundbreaking research conducted by Dr. Roberts and his team has left you intrigued. Stay informed, keep an eye out for further updates on this exciting area of research, and unlock your potential with OliPhenolia!


  1. Olive Fruit Water: A by-product of olive oil production, rich in polyphenols known for their powerful antioxidant properties.
  2. Polyphenols: Organic compounds with antioxidant properties found in plants, including olives, are known for their potential health benefits.
  3. OliPhenolia:  A commercially available supplement derived from olive fruit water, specifically rich in phenolic compounds, notably hydroxytyrosol.
  4. Phenolic Compounds: Chemical compounds with phenol groups, often found in plants and known for various health-promoting properties.
  5. Hydroxytyrosol: A phenolic compound found in olive oil and olive fruit water, recognized for its antioxidant and potential health benefits.
  6. Anglia Ruskin University (ARU): An esteemed educational institution where the research on OliPhenolia was conducted.
  7. Placebo: A substance with no therapeutic effect given to participants in a study to compare against the effects of the actual treatment (OliPhenolia in this case).
  8. Running Economy: The energy cost of running at a particular pace is influenced by various factors, including oxygen consumption.
  9. Exercise-Related Inflammation: Inflammation in the body caused by physical activity, being investigated for potential suppression by OliPhenolia in the study.
  10. Acute Recovery: The immediate period following exercise during which the body restores and adapts to its pre-exercise state.
  11. Antioxidant Properties: The ability of a substance to neutralize or counteract the damaging effects of free radicals, contributing to overall health.

Journal Reference:

Justin D. Roberts, Joseph B. Lillis, Jorge Marques Pinto, Havovi Chichger, Álvaro López-Samanes, Juan Del Coso, Rodrigo Zacca, Ashley G. B. Willmott. The Effect of a Hydroxytyrosol-Rich, Olive-Derived Phytocomplex on Aerobic Exercise and Acute Recovery. Nutrients, 2023; 15 (2): 421 DOI: