Breakthrough Study: Achieve Better Weight Loss & Blood Sugar Control using Oral Semaglutide!

Are you ready to take control of your diabetes? Introducing an exciting breakthrough in diabetes management – higher-dose oral Semaglutide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist. In this video, we bring you the latest research that could change the way you manage your condition.

A recent study, published in The Lancet, led by Dr. Buse and his international team of researchers, has shed new light on the efficacy of higher-dose of oral semaglutide in diabetes management. Let’s dive into the findings.

The study involved 1,606 participants, randomly assigned to three different groups, who took varying daily doses of oral semaglutide for 52 weeks. The results were nothing short of remarkable.

The findings revealed that the 25 mg and 50 mg doses of oral Semaglutide showcased significantly superior results in lowering blood sugar levels compared to the lower 14 mg dose. Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is crucial for effective diabetes management.

To measure blood sugar levels, the participants’ A1C was tracked. A1C is a percentage that indicates overall glucose control. Those with A1C levels between 8.0% and 10.5% at the beginning of the trial were more likely to achieve the target A1C of less than 7% when taking the higher doses of oral semaglutide.

But that’s not all – higher-dose oral Semaglutide also showed significant weight loss benefits. Participants who received the 50 mg dose experienced an average weight loss of 17.5 pounds, while those on the 25 mg and 14 mg doses lost approximately 14.8 pounds and 10 pounds, respectively.

How does oral Semaglutide achieve weight loss? By suppressing appetite. This can significantly benefit individuals managing diabetes while struggling with weight control.

It’s important to note that participants reported some side effects associated with oral Semaglutide. The most common side effect was nausea, attributed to the drug’s effect on stomach fullness. Some individuals, especially those on higher doses, experienced vomiting, diarrhea, and/or constipation.

If you’re considering higher-dose oral Semaglutide, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider. The potential benefits of improved blood sugar control and weight loss should be weighed against your specific circumstances.

This groundbreaking study provides compelling evidence supporting the use of higher-dose oral Semaglutide for patients with diabetes. By enhancing blood sugar control and promoting weight loss, this innovative treatment option offers a promising path toward improved diabetes management.


  1. Diabetes Management: The process of controlling and regulating blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes to prevent complications and maintain overall health.
  2. Oral Semaglutide: A medication, specifically a GLP-1 receptor agonist, taken orally to help manage diabetes.
  3. GLP-1 Receptor Agonist: A type of medication that mimics the effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  4. Efficacy: The effectiveness or ability of a treatment or medication to produce desired outcomes.
  5. Randomly Assigned: Participants in the study were placed into different groups without any specific pattern or bias.
  6. Blood Sugar Levels: The concentration of glucose (sugar) present in the bloodstream a crucial factor in diabetes management.
  7. A1C: A measure of average blood glucose levels over a few months, typically expressed as a percentage.
  8. Weight Loss Benefits: Positive effects of higher-dose oral Semaglutide on reducing body weight.
  9. Appetite Suppression: The action of reducing one’s desire to eat or the feeling of hunger.
  10. Nausea: A feeling of discomfort in the stomach that may lead to vomiting.
  11. Vomiting: The act of forcefully expelling stomach contents through the mouth.
  12. Diarrhea: Frequent, loose, and watery bowel movements.
  13. Constipation: Difficulty in passing stools or infrequent bowel movements.

Journal Reference:

Vanita R Aroda, Jens Aberle, Lars Bardtrum, Erik Christiansen, Filip K Knop, Sanaz Gabery, Sue D Pedersen, John B Buse. Efficacy and safety of once-daily oral semaglutide 25 mg and 50 mg compared with 14 mg in adults with type 2 diabetes (PIONEER PLUS): a multicentre, randomised, phase 3b trial. The Lancet, 2023; DOI: